PS2 Linux Programming


Developing With Microsoft Visual C++ .NET





It may seem odd to develop Linux applications with Microsoft Visual C++ .Net but this is convenient for two reasons: Firstly, the Visual C++ environment has many features (such as syntax highlighting, class viewing, etc.) which ease the development of code; and secondly, many people have used and are familiar with this development environment. This tutorial will therefore show how PS2 Linux applications can be developed using Visual C++ .Net.



The Development Configuration


The hardware configuration used is shown in figure 1. It should be noted that there are many hardware configurations that are possible and will work effectively.





Figure 1


The following equipment is used: PlayStation2 with Linux kit, Windows PC, two PS2 controllers, dual input LCD monitor, television, keyboard and mouse for the PS2 and PC. The dual input LCD monitor is used to display the video output from either the PC or the PlayStation2. Both the PC and the PS2 are connected to an Ethernet network to allow communications. Output from the PlayStation2 can be directed to the television when/if required.


Code development is undertaken as follows. The Linux file system is made available to the PC via a Samba server running on the PS2. Files on the PS2 are created and edited on the PS2 using Visual Studio running remotely on the PC. From either a Telnet or SSH session running on the PC, program code on the PS2 can be compiled and executed with graphics output being directed to either the LCD monitor or the television. Debug output from the program is sent via the Telnet/SSH session to a console window on the PC. Using this configuration it is possible to direct graphics to the television and debug information to the LCD monitor.



Creating a PS2 Linux Project with Visual C++ .Net


·        Start Visual Studio .Net

·        Select File -> New -> Project

·        Select a project type of Visual C++ Projects -> Win32

·        Select a template of Win32 Console Project

·        Enter a suitable name for the project and select a folder that is on the PS2 file system, then click OK

·        From the Application settings dialogue, check the “Empty Project” box from the Additional options list and click Finish

·        Create or add source files to the project



·        Now start a telnet session on the PC and connect to the PS2

·        Change to the project directory on the PS2

·        Execute make to compile the project

·        Execute the application e.g. ./main



The facilities of visual studio can now be used to develop the software. After any changes have been made to the code, save the changes then recompile and run the application from the telnet window.


Note that this configuration allows all of the development to be done on the PC with the PS2 being accessed remotely over the network. If a television is available (or two monitors), all graphics can be rendered to the television and no monitor switching is required.



Sample Application


The application code from the “Drawing Graphics” tutorial has been converted to a Visual C++ .Net project. The project is available for download using the “Download Code” link. The source code and Make file has not been altered in any way. Experiment using this application to become familiar with the development environment.





This tutorial has shown how Visual Studio .Net can be used to create and edit applications for PS2 Linux.




Dr Henry S Fortuna

University of Abertay Dundee